About Mein the last 20 years I have served as a music minister or worship pastor in churches in Minnesota, Indiana, Washington, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Kentucky. I'm currently the music minister at Bethany Baptist Church in Louisville. I also serve as an adjunct professor at Boyce College and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where I work as an accompanist; teach music theory, instrumental arranging, and piano; and lead the chapel orchestra. I have a B.A. in Music Composition from Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL and a Master of Divinity in Church Music from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY.
What You Will Find on this Site |
A growing collection of hymn arrangements, original songs, worship service ideas, and general thoughts about music, worship, and life. My desire is these resources will be a blessing to those serving in churches around the world.
My Family |
I have a wife, Lisa, who I first met in a small church in Norfolk, VA, and we have four boys: Joshua, Jacob, Aaron, and Caleb.